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Cemetery Saturday

Yesterday Joey and Luke went for a hike.  Later in the afternoon they went out and shot the BB gun.  Luke told Joey he was a "crack shot."

This cemetery is right near our house.

I have never seen a cemetery like this before.

Sylvia loved it there.

I love the colored rocks.

She loved these little benches.

I think Luke was pretty concerned when he saw how many young people had died.

Sylvia loved the headstones with the persons picture on it.  Here she is saying, "Mom, when you die I'll make your face on there with my new tools."

No really, Sylvia LOVED it there.  Isabel was at a birthday party at the time so we will have to go back on Monday.

Tucson is famous for it's sunsets.  Here is a view off our front patio.

Luke and Isabel can play Scrabble together and I LOVE it.

Martha 1930-1931

This week has been a great week for homeschooling.  I haven't felt that way for quite a while.  Here is a list of things that make me feel like a good mom/homeschoolee: When I...

...feel that I've spent an equal(ish) amount of quality individual time with each child. strict and consistent about their math, chores, video game time and bedtimes. willing and excited to play a game with them, cook or bake with them etc. (or when I'm not lazy.) ...listen to them when they are talking to me (or at least made eye contact and nodded a lot even if I don't know what they're talking about.) ...fix them healthy(ish) meals.

Here are just a few fun things I tried to capture this week...

An email between Luke and Isabel.

(I just tried to copy and paste it but they put so many emoticons in it that it wouldn't work.  HA!)

Picture Isabel drew.  (SO SAD!)

A Harold and the Purple Crayon (or marker) game that Sylvia and I made up.

Sylvia got her new math book.

Music practice.  I taught Isabel Row Row Row your Boat on the guitar and Sylvia made up her own song about "Clare's Wedding."

Isabel lost a tooth.

Joey tried to convince Isabel that the Tooth Fairy is a boy and Isabel didn't believe him for a second.

Paper Airplane Contest and Ninja Cookies

Last night Luke suggested we have a paper airplane contest. Isabel was the judge and here are the results... Joey then made Ninja Cookies with Sylvia. He is always so good to make whatever kind of cookie Sylvia wants and this time she suggested Ninja cookies. She also insisted on wearing nothing but her apron and hat while baking. She said, "Ahh this feels good." Yesterday I told Sylvia no for something. She just smiled at me and said, "Mom, you looked cute when you shook your head and said no like that."  I'm glad that I am just so adorable to her.