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Aside from Isabel not understanding her math and not believing anything I tried to teach her about it (because she knows more than I do about everything) today was a great day. I assisted Isabel in making Easy Bake Oven shortbread cookies. I always feel like such a great mom after Easy Bake time because I really don't enjoy doing it and I know Isabel loves it. Luke worked on a Super Luke book, then made an advertisement by drawing a picture, scanning it, and coloring it in paint. Here it is. Doesn't it make you want to go out and purchase the latest Super Luke adventure?! Super Luke in Color

Isabel had her ukulele lesson and learned the beginning of the Beatles song, Something. When we got home she practiced in the middle of the living room and Sylvia and I threw coins in her case.


Luke found a praying mantis and played with it for most of the afternoon.


We also had a lot of friends over for some Slip n Slide fun and snacks after sucker school, oops, I mean public school got out. And I can't leave out Sylvia. She's been really getting into the princess dresses lately.
