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Three Very Dangerous Things (to a Safety Nerd)

Here are three "very dangerous" things that I bet you never thought of.  It's a good thing Safety Nerd has. 1.  Cars are very dangerous because they only show a little warning light on the dashboard for when the driver's seat belt is not on.  There are no warning lights for ALL of the seat belts in the car.

2.  Construction is a very dangerous career because you could get stuck in cement.

3.  Baseball is a very dangerous sport because you are swinging a big piece of wood AND you could get splinters.

The Schoolroom is now a Bookshelf

The last four weeks or so I have been trying to completely get rid of our school room in the loft and move it to one large bookshelf in our kitchen. Here is a picture of the mostly completed project. DSC07466

Four weeks to move a bookshelf!? NO, in my defense, this wasn't just a matter of moving a bookshelf. We've been traveling a lot lately and Joey has been too busy to help. This bookshelf was originally in our master bedroom holding all of our "grown up books" (no school stuff.) I first had to move our shelves that were screwed into the wall of our schoolroom into our closet. Sounds easy enough but the shelves needed three inches sawed off to be able to fit in the closet and the brackets (or whatever they are called that hold up the shelf) had to be moved over to line up with the studs in the wall. The "grown up books" went in the closet and now I am still trying to get our school stuff in the kitchen.

Okay, so maybe it still sounds like it should have just taken a day, but to me it was a big deal and my house has been a disorganized mess with no where to do school for a while, so I am excited to get myself back together.

Before I started homeschooling I thought we needed way more things than it turns out we do. I thought we needed a whole room just for school. As it turned out, Sylvia (yes, everything is her fault around here) would constantly drag her toys into the schoolroom making a big mess every day. I thought we needed our dry erase board. The kids think it is kind of fun to do their math on the board once in a while, but it pretty much goes unused AND Sylvia always takes the lids off of the markers and they get dried out (once again, her fault.)

So here is the most embarrassing thing that I thought we needed, while we were sorting through our books last night Joey found a large 3 ringed binder and said, "What is this?!" Before I started homeschooling I had put tabs in this folder for all of the subjects I would teach, all of my poster and reward chart ideas, lists of what daily order our subjects would be in and how much time a day we would spend doing math, reading, etc. EVEN what time of day we would start school.

Now I am not making fun of anyone being super organized and super on a schedule for homeschooling (okay, maybe I am just a little) but if that is the way you and your kids work then that's what works. I am just making fun of myself for trying to make homeschooling like public school and for trying to put us on such a rigid schedule when flexibility is one great reason to homeschool.

A real life horticulturist and a real life botonist!

From my Horticulturist vs. Botanist? blog I received two awesome comments. One from Jamie the horticulturist and one from Nat the botanist. Luke loved reading them. Jamie praised the horticulture department at BYU Idaho and suggested we take a tour. I hear Idaho is beautiful, but that is way too far for us to drive. But, a great suggestion. I need to find out what Southern California college has a good program (Jamie, I am sure they wont have one nearly as great as BYU Idaho's of course) and see if we can take a tour there sometime while we are visiting my family. Nat sent us this link that was very interesting and fun to watch. Luke and I learned a lot from it! Now we want to try a Mangosteen! Today was a special P.E. day. We got together at a park with a lot of other homeschoolers and one fabulous mom with a lot of great equipment, games and leadership. My kids had a blast. We then went swimming this afternoon.


The other night Luke and I went out for sushi to celebrate him finishing his Math U See Beta book. Afterward we had a little award ceremony. We tried to get him to act normal for his picture, but this is the best we could get.
