Filtering by Category: Fhe

Bicycle Trails

In Tucson people are always riding bicycles or outside with their dog...weird.  This morning I took the kids on one of the many bike trails around here.

The girls.

Don't let the snow hat deceive you, we went out early in the morning, later that day it was in the 70's.

Played at a playground afterward.

I am SO proud of myself.  I looked on youtube today for a "how to" and learned how to french braid hair!!!  Not too bad for my first time (and considering Hazel was attacking us with the hair brush for most of the time.)

Last weekend I bought a twin bed for Luke that I found on Craig's List for $20.  I told him he could paint it however he wanted.  Yesterday we went to Home Depot and Luke learned how to pick out a color and order it from the paint counter.  Today we all helped him sand the bed and wipe it clean.  He keeps asking if he can please paint it all by himself (really what he is saying is NO ISABEL AND SYLVIA PLEASE!)

Luke has started a new blog:  Luke's Entomology Discoveries Also, don't forget Isabel's:  The Red Ruby (I am trying to get her to put her art on there)

Bath, Office, Maze

It was cloudy outside this morning and Luke was still sleeping so the girls figured that the perfect thing to do would be to take a big bath together!

A few days ago I set up a little office in Isabel's closet for her.  She loves it.  She has thanked me so many times (I feel bad I didn't set it up earlier).  Since then I wont be able to find her, while searching in her room, I'll see light coming out of the bottom of the closet and hear her using the cash register and "talking on the phone."

Does anyone want to attempt this? neither.


Sylvia made herself a drum set out of kitchen supplies.  The great thing about this drum set was that she used dry spaghetti noodles for the drumsticks.  Nice and quiet.

Something about Sylvia is that if she is forbidden to touch something, do something, etc. then it becomes the thing she wants most in the world.  Here is an example.  This was a cute toy that was like a bean bag with a clear cover (on the other side)  it had little buttons, plastic figures as well as filling inside.  Apparently it's been driving Sylvia mad that she can't actually hold and touch the objects.  A pair of scissors and some private time in her room and viola!...problem solved.

Here is an "Indian Girl" that Sylvia drew.  It was so cute to see her come inside with fists full of leaves and flowers ready to glue them onto paper.

Also, Here is something from Luke.  You better believe the other side of the paper is coved like this as well.  Also, he is working on a new one and has asked that I do it today.  I am not sure if it is a maze or a video game on paper but we shall see.

Isabel has been drawing some very sad pictures lately.  She is our goth girl.  Her favorite color is black.