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My Little Cub Scouty Bear

The last requirement Luke had to pass off to get his Wolf badge for Cub Scouts was to read about three people who did something to protect our world.  We read about the six winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize.  Last night at the Cub Scout pack meeting, Luke got his "Wolf."  Here is a picture of Luke and some fellow cub scouters doing some cub scouty game. 029

Now that he is a "Bear" he has a new Bear book of course, and a Bear cap and kerchief.  Right when we got in the car to go home he was so excited to get out his new stuff and said, "Mom!  I could also just wear this hat...just like, to the park and stuff!"  I wholeheartedly said, "YEAH!"  (that kind of cute nerdliness must be encouraged.)

Pirate Treasure Maps and Nip-Poles

My parents visited last week as well and my mother had Luke, Isabel and Sylvia make Pirate Treasure Maps. Very neat! I think I will make teaching a class to my kids a requirement for staying at my house.pirate map

The other day Sylvia came downstairs with my bra on (I mean, of course it's not my bra, why would I put a picture up here of my bra, no way would I do that, how embarrassing!  It's just some bra she happened to find in my bedroom...sure sure.) When I asked her what she needed it for she replied, "I am growing up and I need it for my nip-poles!"


Isabel's Camp Quiz

While we were camping, Isabel had a notebook that was called "Isabel's Camp Quiz."  On each page there was a question to answer, what is your name?  Favorite color? Food? etc.  When we got back, Aunt Melissa and Uncle Scott came to visit and to teach at Sabrina School which was perfect timing because I (headmistress Sabrina of course) was ill that day.  Melissa and Scott first taught a little Spanish class that ended up with Luke calling me his abuelo.  Next they got to make bar graphs using the info from Isabel's Camp Quiz. campcolor

Melissa then showed Isabel how you can make all different kinds of graphs in Excel.

camp chart