Filtering by Category: Fhe

Bellybuttons Worship Cellphones

I bought this game at Target last week and tried it out yesterday.  My kids loved it.  Such a good school game.  We played for a long time and Luke wondered when we were going to "do some school."  It was nice to be able to tell him that Mad Libs is school.  Luke loved his sentences that he made up so much that he wrote them all down.  Bellybuttons Worship Cellphones was one of our favorite three word sentences.  They learned very quickly that it is pretty much impossible to make a sentence if you are all out of nouns.

The Princess and the Pizza

The women in our church wanted us to get a chance to serve in the community so they appointed all of us The Story Time Ladies at the William Wright Elementary School. We got to sign up to either go to the school and read a book or to babysit someone's children while they are at the school reading. Today I was Princess Paulina (of Princess Paulinas' Pizza Palace of course.) The pizza delivery girl, Princess Isabel, came with me! I read The Princess and the Pizza by Mary Jane Auch and Herm Auch. It was so much fun.  We taught the first graders how to do the princess wave and afterward they had fun asking Paulina questions about her pizza palace. 0041