I usually never just turn on the T.V. and flip channels during the day. Joey and I will record a show we like and watch it together after the kids have gone to bed, or we'll record and watch Discovery Channel, Animal Planet type shows as a family. Although, the last few weeks I've been watching a lot more T.V. I am either up in the night because for the life of me I can't get used to sleeping with this huge body of mine, or I have to sit down during the day and prop up my hot chubby pregnant feet for a while in front of the T.V. Isabel is the only one interested in the shows I watch (that seem to always be on.) Mostly What Not to Wear and Babies: Special Delivery. If you've never heard of these shows, their titles explain them pretty well. Isabel will plop down next to me and if it's What Not to Wear, she will comment, "I liked her hair before they cut it." If we are watching, Babies: Special Delivery, she will ask the usual, "How many babies does she have in her?" And, "Boy or Girl?" Now everytime that Isabel and Sylvia are taking a bath together I hear Isabel coaxing Sylvia to push. When I peek in, I see Isabel pretend to pull an imaginary baby out of Sylvia's crotch area. Then yesterday Isabel and Luke were playing What Not to Wear with the wooden magnetic dress up dolls. I think Luke was being a silly boy about the game and dressing the dolls up as ridiculous as he could. Isabel was very serious and I would hear her comment now and again, "That is a wonderful office look!" "That jacket slims your waist line!"