Figuring out the library - homeschooling/unschooling

This morning we read the story Snow White from the Fairy Tale Feast book and then made the Magic Baked Apple recipe. It was very simple for the kids to stuff raisins and cinnamon and sugar into the apples and then bake and we LOVED the taste. We then did our formal daily calendar, BOM story, etc. Isabel practiced writing numbers and Luke and I did some Mad Libs. We then headed to the library where I ended up getting frustrated with looking books and subjects up on the library computer records and then trying to find them on the shelves. I ended up getting help from a librarian who was kind enough to bring me in to the last ten years by informing me that I can just look up the books at home online and even click on something or other that will have them take my books to the front desk. So next time I don't have to strap Sylvia into the stroller while Luke and Isabel follow me around patiently while I search and search.  We can go into the children's section, enjoy the puzzles, bean bag chairs and books and then as we leave just grab our stack of books at the front desk and leave! So, What I REALLY should have titled this blog is, "Figuring out that I don't NEED to figure out the library!!!"