Filtering by Category: watercolor

Live Dove Hat ACEOs

I've gotten many inquiries regarding the new fad, the Live Dove Hat.  I thought an illustrated "How to" and a "How to NOT" would be helpful for all of you that are anxious to know the proper way to wear it!

These ACEOs are available in my eBay Store.

This is the correct way to wear the Live Dove Hat.

This is the incorrect (and dangerous) way to wear the Live Dove Hat.

The Live Dove Hat was all the rage and Susan knew how to wear it and what to wear it with.  Sam however, was a little unsure.

Blogrolling Linkage

I've thought about pros and cons, who and what order and how of my blogroll for months and months until I've over thought it into oblivion.  In the end I just grabbed all of my jumbled thoughts and stuck them up on my sidebar to form a blogroll if you will!  I don't have the order exactly how I want it and I know I don't have everyone up yet, but check it out!  Here are some very entertaining blogs/websites that I find inspiring!

My categories are...

Narcissism and Nepotism (very fitting that they are first) Needles - Scissors - Glue (fantastic craft and sewing blogs that I am in awe of) Pencil - Paper - Paint (people that paint and draw that I admire) Point and Click (photography blogs: I WILL have Matt take my family picture some day.) Wearable Art (fashion blogs that inspire what my little watercolor people wear.)