Filtering by Category: Unschooling

Postcards To Reagyn

Today after my kids schooled the docent at the Tohono Chul Park, I let them pick out postcards in the gift shop.  They were excited to write to Reagyn!  Reagyn is a fifth grader with a brain tumor that is collecting post cards from all over the world!  So write her a post card from your city! Reagyn S. c/o London Elementary School 380 Elm Street London, OH 43140

Read more about Reagyn.

Sylvia Surprise!

One of the main reasons why I homeschool is so that I have more time to do fun things with my family, and yet, at times it is very difficult to say no to cleaning and yes to sitting down and reading a book or playing a game with them. Last night the house was a mess, I had just gotten home from a meeting and wanted to get dinner on the table before Joey got home.  Sylvia had had a great gift idea for daddy for a while now and it had become one of those things that I kept saying, "tomorrow" to.  I am so glad I chose to say yes to it.  The kids thought it was fun and needless to say, it was the best gift Joey has ever received!

Luke helped with the wrapping.

What could it be?!

A Sylvia!

And a hug!

Taking Apart a Vacuum

Anything old or broken, Luke, Isabel and Sylvia get to take apart.  Vacuums never last more than two years in this house.

Isabel got bored pretty quickly, but Luke was determined and Sylvia was determined to be his helper and apprentice.

They are pointing to where they found FISH HOOKS!  What?  Was I not supposed to vacuum up fish hooks?  Then what good is a vacuum!?

Here they are studying where the "electrical stuff" moves the gear and rotator brush.

Now Hazel thinks that a vacuum is for sticking screwdrivers in.