Georgia O'Keeffe-1887 to 1986
-Wisconsin, USA
-inspired by New Mexico
-painted bones, flowers and desert landscapes
Wassily Kandinsky
-1866 to 1944
-abstract color shape
-starting drawing at 30
-inspired by music
Luke's O'Keefe (we suspect poor Isabel's O'Keeffe got thrown away in the trash.)
Luke's Kandinsky
Isabel's Kandinsky
Sylvia's Original
In case you can't read the sign posted, it says, "Lost Phone if you see this phone go to the Hello Kitty Store (TM)" and then our address follows. So please be on the look out for a phone that looks just like the one on the sign and I am guessing it is pink and makes obnoxious noises. And if you find it, please return it to the Hello Kitty Store (aka: the girl's room.)
A few days ago Luke said, "I can't wait for the year 2010!" When I asked why, his response was, "Because then there will be cars that don't use gasoline and cause pollution!" There's the inside scoop folks! 2010, no more buying gasoline!