Inexpensive, Safe, Easy-to-Clean Paint June 18, 2012 / Sabrina Cornstarch, food coloring, and water = my favorite paint. It's cheap, safe and easy to clean up. I know I need it to be the way Sylvia uses it :) Comment 0 Likes categories / Education, Home Schooling, Unschooling tags / cornstarch, food coloring, paint
Bats in Tucson June 15, 2012 / Sabrina We love summer in Tucson. One fun summer activity is walking to Campbell Ave. under the Rillito Wash to see the bats come out. Comment 0 Likes categories / Education, Family, Home Schooling
4th Avenue Tucson June 08, 2012 / Sabrina With the boys away at scout camp this week, we thought we would go hang out on 4th Ave. and have a snack at the Food Conspiracy Co-op. Comment 0 Likes categories / Education, Family, Home Schooling